Incoming Leaders

Kenton, Justin

Murrieta, Living Stones Church

During my childhood, I regularly attended church with my family, where I formed the foundation of my faith. A significant moment occurred when, as a young boy, I joined my mother in reciting the sinner’s prayer while perched atop my bunk bed at five years old. As I transitioned into adolescence, my commitment to spiritual growth intensified. I dedicated countless hours to delving into the pages of my Bible and various concordances, seeking deeper understanding and insight into Christian teachings. It was during my teenage years that my passion for the Lord ignited, propelling me into roles of preaching and leading worship within my community.

My journey as a follower of Christ began at a tender age, marked by countless instances of witnessing the divine intervention in my life. At the age of 17, guided by what I believe to be the prompting of the Lord, I enlisted in the Marine Corps, embarking on a transformative journey that led me to Southern California. It was in this new setting that I experienced a profound encounter with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, further solidifying my faith and understanding of spiritual truths. Through these experiences, I’ve come to realize that true discipleship entails learning to perceive the world through both spiritual discernment and unwavering truth.

God's Call to Ministry

My wife and I moved to Temecula Valley in 2010. We found a local church and began volunteering and serving in any way we could. After 5 years we had become the Associate Pastor and Children’s Pastor at our church. God then called us to go to Centerpoint Church and we became the Campus Pastors at Centerpoint Church French Valley. After three years we had been a part of building a spiritual community that the Pastoral Leadership of Centerpoint felt was ready to be launched as its own church. This was where Living Stones Church was born.

September of 2019, just on the doorstep of the coming pandemic, we launched Living Stones Church. The almost 5 years since then have been full of ups and downs and a plethora of opportunities for spiritual growth. We have supported our community, become committed to outreach both locally and in Estonia, Mexico and the Philippines. We have raised, developed and deployed dozens of leaders.

The Free Methodist Church

Our introduction to the Free Methodist Church was through the ministry of Centerpoint Church. In 2016, we started attending Centerpoint and in 7 months became the campus pastors for Centerpoint French Valley. At this time we became locally licensed ministers and began taking courses offered by the Free Methodist Church. Not having ever heard of Free Methodism we came into it with and open heart and open mind. We fell in love with the core beliefs of Free Methodism. The five freedoms, history and polity gave greater definition to what my wife and I had already held as dear and foundational beliefs.

Our almost 8 years with the Free Methodist Church has been an absolute joy. We have been so supported in countless ways. From being guided through the unforeseen challenges of the pandemic to the acquisition of a failing local church to being given a sabbatical month at the beginning of 2023. We have had nothing but caring loving support from our denominational leaders.