Incoming Leaders

Jones, Andrea

Carlsbad, The Abbey

I came to know Jesus very young. I Believed in God as a child and was taught by my older siblings about the need for missionaries to tell other children about God. At the age of nine I decided I wanted to become a missionary when I grew up. I had see my older siblings go from drug addiction to Jesus during the Jesus movement and saw how Jesus really does transform lives. Following Jesus simply made sense to me, especially because the coolest, most loving people I knew as a child were those transformed by grace.

God's Call to Ministry

From a young age I felt called to the ministry. I especially felt called to those outside the church or those who didn’t feel “good enough” to have a relationship with God. At 15 I got my first job and started saving for my first missions trip. At 18 I went with YWAM to wales to street preach, teach the Bible and perform evangelistic street dramas. Later I married my husband and together we both went back to Wales.

Most of my life I’ve served within denominations that didn’t affirm women. Yet I see the Holy Spirit’s hand in this by constantly pushing my ministry and heart to those outside the doors of the church. This is how I stumbled upon church planting in Wales. As I went outside the church to meet people where they were at be it in a coffee shop doing a reading group or doing video interviews on the street, a church began to form. My husband and I then found ourselves accidentally church planting as our little group of young believers soon became our first official church plant called Pillar.

The Free Methodist Church

I was first introduced to the FMC through our friends a fellow church planters Deb and Larry Walkemeyer. Through a mutual kingdom heart and lots of great conversations, I began to realize that I’ve always been a closer Free Methodist!