Incoming Leaders

Garcia, George

Lake Elsinore, The Lamb's Fellowship

My first experience with God occurred at the age of seven shortly after my first holy communion when Jesus came to visit me for the first time. It happened at my baseball practice on my schoolyard field. I saw Him reclining between a lion and a lamb. If it was a vision or in person, I’m not sure. It is hard to discriminate between the two. Theologically speaking it might be classified as a Christophany.

It pierced my spirit as He was present and my spirit seemed to disconnect from this worldly experience. I seemed to be in two planes of existence, this world and paradise. At that moment I did not realize it was Jesus. As years passed, I began to understand it was Him communicating who He is, His love, a way of life, and a call.

As I was blessed to walk with the Free Methodists, they articulated the Wesleyan perspective regarding the sacraments. I realized that a holy sacred act had occurred that God honored. It was a life-changing means of grace that Jesus used to express His Love and communicate His prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace. Blessed is the Lord!

God's Call to Ministry

I’m presently the executive pastor at the Lambs Fellowship in Lake Elsinore. The Spirit of God led me to Lambs years ago through various means: relationships with trustworthy people, the scriptures, dreams, and visions. Over the years I have participated in various aspects of the ministry at Lambs Fellowship.

God has called me to make disciples who hear and commune with Him so they can minister to the needs of those who are experiencing life in Christ. This call has manifested itself through Free Methodist societies and prophetic communities that experience God’s restorative work, hear from God, speak His truth in love, and minister God’s grace and love to people. It has also manifested itself in overseeing schools that minister to people from childhood through various stages of life.

I hope it will manifest itself through both English and Spanish-speaking societies that would serve their communities both locally and abroad where manifestations of God’s work and graces would cause the lives of people to come to know Jesus and influence others for God. I hope to serve the Free Methodist and the greater body of Christ wherever possible.

The Free Methodist Church

I was introduced to the Free Methodist Church in my early twenties. My sister met a friend who was attending a Jesus-loving, bible believing, Spirit-filled church and I was invited to join. Back then it was known as Bixby Chapel in Garden Grove. It then became known as Living Spring Christian Fellowship.

Over the years being with the Free Methodist has helped explain many spiritual experiences, theological concepts, and better understand God’s plan through Jesus’ love. It has helped my relationship with Him grow and continue a sanctifying work in my life. Previous Christian streams of belief that I have been involved with were not able to bring balance to life and theology.

I continue to minister with the Free Methodist because of their expressed love for Christ and one another. It is a love I have experienced from the Holy Spirit over the years and is in agreement with the Wesleyan way that expresses Love as a cornerstone of our relationship with God and other people.

The Free Methodist have taught me to understand the need for the primacy of scripture, yet honor tradition, reason, and experience. This theological perspective has helped me to come into greater proximity with Jesus Christ and help me understand some of His mysteries. We are made in God’s image and I desire to see people restored into a deeper relationship with God.