Annual Conference 2024
Wholeness: Fostering Community and Creative Engagement
May 18, 2024 | Azusa Pacific University
“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe…”
Acts 2:42-43a, NASB
Annual Conference is a collaborative one-day gathering for Free Methodist leaders from the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC) and the Pacific Coast Japanese Conference (PCJC). This year, we will focus on the theme of “Wholeness: Fostering Community & Creative Engagement” as we nurture a thriving ecosystem for growth, shared leadership, and creative collaboration between our conferences and churches.
Experience a refreshed format with unique opportunities for engagement, including…
Open Spaces
Engage in organic conversations throughout the day in our dedicated spaces set up to facilitate these connections.
Idea Exchange
Contribute to collective problem-solving and vision-casting through our interactive idea exchange.
Conference Breakouts
Each conference (FMCSC and PCJC) will have their own space to make decisions, hear from local leaders, and celebrate the way God is moving in a local context.
New to Annual Conference?
Attending Annual Conference for the first time or curious about what to expect? Read our guide for newcomers to understand the purpose, structure, and key elements of this important event.
Join us in Person
Join us at The Felix Event Center on Azusa Pacific University’s West Campus on May 18, 2024, for a day of worship, vision-casting, fellowship, and decision-making. Review the schedule, location details, and register to attend.
Join us Virtually
Can’t make it in person? We’ve got you covered. Tune in to our live stream or watch the recorded sessions at your convenience.
Conference Business
Stay informed about the key decisions and business matters addressed at Annual Conference 2024, including board reports, nominations, and voting results.
Ministry Partners
Find out more about the organizations and ministries we partner with to advance the Free Methodist mission and make a difference in our communities and around the world.

Free Methodist Church USA
Regional conferences and the Free Methodist Church USA maintain a collaborative relationship, working together to strengthen faith communities, foster spiritual growth, and facilitate Christ-centered fellowship. They exchange resources, ideas, and support, ensuring effective ministry outreach and a positive impact on both local and national levels.